Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A little OT

While scrapbooking is something I really truly enjoy, I have to be honest when I say my first love is gardening. I had a beautiful butterfly garden in Texas along with yummy tomatoes, peppers, melons and herbs. However, the Pacific Northwest's short summers make veg. gardening a little tough. Plus, we camp quite a bit during the summer so the garden has to be able to stand it's own. Here are a few pics of my backyard garden. While I have a fairly large lot (for Snoqualmie Rigde homes) 2/3 of it is a huge slope. Lately, I've been letting the wildflowers take over. Some would say weeds but the bees and butterflys love it so I've been letting it grow. Plus, calling it wildflowers makes me sound less lazy. Most of my garden is made up of Dalhias but they are not blooming quite yet (next week).


1 comment:

  1. Kimberly -

    Your asiatic lillies are beautiful and VERY tall! Are the pink flowers Cosmos?

